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Data Dictionary
Data Logistics
- Start Date or From Date — Earliest date included in a given dataset.
- End Date or To Date — Latest date included in a given dataset.
- page — The current page number of the returned dataset.
- Page Size — The number of results on a given page in a dataset.
- Total Pages — The number of pages in the current dataset.
- Total Entities — The number of items in the current dataset.
- Start Play Date — First Playdate in a multiple show event.
- End Play Date — Second Playdate in a multiple show event.
- Rank — A number denoting how closely related a given search result matches the search term.
Entity Data
- Id — A unique identifier given to a data object.
- Name (Search Name/Sort Name/Display Name) — The name of a given entity in the database.
- Web Note — Miscellaneous notes in the database for a given entity.
- Picture Url — The location of the image used for a given entity (legacy field, currently blank).
- Url — The location of the website’s page for a given entity.
- Title — The job title of a given staff member for a given company.
- Territory — The territory that a given company resides in.
- Location or City State Country — A city and state pairing (Los Angeles, CA).
- Hours Old — How long it has been since a given record was updated in the database.
- Links — A list of urls that link to external websites for a given entity.
- Types: website, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, etc.
- Phones — A list of various types of phone numbers for a given entity.
- Types: phone number, fax, toll-free, etc.
- Properties — A list of miscellaneous properties for a given entity.
- City — The city that a given venue is in, or where a given event happened.
- Artist Type — The category of a given artist
- Types: band, festival performance, online streamer, etc.
- Is Active — A boolean indicating if a given artist is still a valid entity.
- Genre — A category of music characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
- Note: single string delimited with /
- Is Headliner — Primary performer or performers in an event.
- Headliner — A string
- Artist Sequence — The order in which a given artist is playing during a given event.
- Act Code — A string indicating if a given artist is a headliner or supporting artist.
- Values: H or S.
- Market — geographical area where an event took place.
- Addresses — A list of various addresses for a given entity
- Types: physical, mailing, personal.
- Placeholder
- Abbreviation or State Abbrev or Abbrev or State — The abbreviation for a given state.
- Alert Customer — A Boolean value indicating if a logged in customer should be notified of events happening in the venue.
- Is Primary – A boolean denoting the company’s primary function.
- Relation — The interaction between a company and one of its contacts.
- Formatted Address — Full address with an html line break included.
- Staff Roster — A list of staff entities that work for the company.
- Artist Roster — A list of artist entities that are managed by the company.
- Company Type — The type of company denoting its general functions.
- Types: advertising agency, hotel, casino, etc.
- Venue Type — The type of venue denoting its seating general capacity.
- Types: club, auditorium, arena, etc.
- Club — Generally a club has a dedicated dance floor and bar accessible to all attendees of an event.
- Auditorium / Theatre — A enclosed venue with a proscenium arch, a fly loft and a backstage area and dedicate sloping area for the audience to set.
- Arena — A large generally enclosed venue used primarily for sporting events.
- Amphitheatre — An open are venue with a proscenium arch, backstage area and permanent sloping area for the audience to set.
- Stadium — A large generally outdoor venue used primarily for sporting events. Much larger then an Arena.
- Complex — An area or origination that has several venues included.
- Convention Center — A large enclosed area used for conventions and trade shows.
- Outdoor Venues — A large outdoor venue without permanent seating, generally used for festivals and outdoor shows.
- Untyped Venue — A venue with no dedicated venue type in Star Base
Event/Box Office
- rb — The number of route book (upcoming) events for a given entity.
- th — The number of events in the tour history for a given entity.
- bo — The number of box office record for a given entity.
- Num Shows or Number of Shows — Number of shows in an event.
- Event Date — the date that the event happened.
- Has Box Office — A boolean indicating if a given entity has a box office record for a given event.
- Is Festival — A boolean indicating if a given event is part of a festival.
- Supporting Artists or Support — Secondary performer or performers in an event.
- Venue ID — ID assigned to a venue in Star Base
- Venue — Space where an event is held.
- Currency — The name of the unit of money used for an event.
- Currency Symbol — The symbol of the unit of money used for an event.
- Promoter — An organization that funds, organizes, and runs public events.
- Num Tickets Sold — The total number of tickets sold at an event.
- Avg Tix Sold or Average Tickets Sold — The number of tickets sold divided by the number of shows.
- Gross USD — The total dollar amount collected from tickets sold to the public.
- Avg Gross USD or Average Tickets Sold — The Total Gross divided by the number of shows.
- Sellable Capacity — Tickets available to the public.
- Total Sellable Capacity — Total number of seats available in a venue that would be available for sale.
- Capacity — Total number of seats available in a venue during a given event.
- Avg Event Capacity or Average Event Capacity — The average capacity for a given event or group of closely related events on the same day at the same venue.
- Capacity Percentage — Total capacity sold by percentage of total capacity
- Ticket Price Min or Ticket Price From — Face value of the lowest ticket price available to the public
- Ticket Price Max or Ticket Price To — Face value of the highest ticket price available to the public.
- Ticket Url — A link to the webpage selling the ticket for an upcoming event.
- Ticket Price Average — Total Gross divided by the total tickets sold
- Gross Gate — Total gross of an event in the local currency of where the event took place.
- Tickets — A list of ticketing info from various ticket providers for a given event.
- Provider Name — The seller of a given ticket.